Inspired win-win-win goals - housing, mobility options, organic farm, open space, parks, safe for people:
Create an extraordinary and affordable living environment for our seniors, veterans and the community at large. Integrate an urban farm ("Agrihood") and public open space on the remaining six acres of the former UC Davis farmland (BAREC) site at 90 Winchester Blvd., Santa Clara, CA.
Consider the overall region from Forest Avenue to I-280 from the perspective of a human pedestrian and cyclist. Create safe pathways, safe bicycle lanes, and overpasses especially near the busy intersection at Winchester Boulevard and Stevens Creek Boulevard. Work with Valley Transportation Authority (VTA) to meet future needs of transit-oriented development. Consider convenient community shuttles such as those in Mountain View and Palo Alto and other mobility-as-a-service options.
Future proposal for a central platform above I-280 freeway to connect the area now divided by the freeway in separate urban villages. Allow people to safety traverse the Tri-Village area and enjoy a beautiful raised park.
Watch Kirk Vartan presenting his vision in the summer of 2015 here:
May 19, 2015 - Win6/BAEC presentation to Valley Village community in Santa Clara, CA. This is a good primer video for understanding what is happening in the area. The idea of an Agrihood is presented here.