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Santa Clara City Council Meeting

  • Santa Clara City Hall, Council Chambers 1500 Warburton Ave Santa Clara, CA, 95050 United States (map)

The eight development proposals for the six-acre former UC Davis BAREC site are on the City Council meeting agenda. For the first time, the public and the City Council will get an overview of the eight proposals for the land.

This is our opportunity to see an overview of the plans and express our desires for a healthy, beautiful, inclusive community-driven process and development. Each of us, optionally, can speak to the Mayor and Council for two minutes on behalf of our desired community vision for this site.

The city has committed to the state for 165 low-income independent-living senior housing apartment units on the site. Each of the eight developers have come up with various plans that incorporate this requirement. The rest may well be up to our collective imagination.

Please convene at 6:45 p.m. with us outside Council Chambers to sign a speaker card and get an #agrihood T-shirt (if you don't already have one). The meeting starts promptly at 7 p.m.